Obtaining the KEEP Grant and Test ETH

Obtaining the KEEP Grant

To receive a Grant in KEEP coins, you need to paste the link into the browser line and add the address of your ETH wallet at the end.


The complete link will look like this:


Press ENTER and you will get this message:

Created token grant with 300000000000000000000000 KEEP for account: 0x91F29E27b25be9eBb20B00Ceed046D48C1786c82

You can follow the transaction at https://ropsten.etherscan.io/tx/0x4529b431a26ba0a56496ff9c1600becca70d9eaf0469d920d942b365a2736e5c

You can manage your token grants at: https://dashboard.test.keep.network .

You can find us on Discord at: https://discord.gg/jqxBU4m .

This message indicates that you have received 300,000 KEEP tokens in the form of a Grant to your wallet address.

Receiving test ETH

There is a list of Faucets for receiving test ETH:

  1. https://faucet.metamask.io/ - up to ~20 ETH per day.

  2. https://teth.bitaps.com/ - 1 ETH per minute and maximum 100 ETH per day.

Go to any site listed above, insert your ETH address and click GET. After a couple of seconds, a test ether will appear on your wallet.

Last updated