Configuring and Running Beacon and ECDSA Nodes

1. Preparation

Launch the terminal of our server on the site where the server was created or through special programs described in the section:

pageTechnical Requirements

2. Setting up Ubuntu

Update packages on the server to the latest versions:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

Install the git package if it is not installed on the server:

yes | sudo apt install git

Install Docker:

sudo apt install curl -y

Activate Docker:

sudo systemctl start docker
sudo systemctl enable docker

3. Firewall configuration

Open ports 22, 3919 and 3920 and activate the Firewall:

sudo ufw allow 22 && sudo ufw allow 3919 && sudo ufw allow 3920 && yes | sudo ufw enable

Check the status of open ports with the command:

sudo ufw status

4. Setting up nodes

First, download the repository to the github server with all the folders and configs for running two nodes with the command:

git clone
  1. In the commands below, replace "YOUR ETH ADDRESS" with the address of your ETH wallet.

  2. "YOUR PASSWORD" for the password from the ETH wallet.

  3. "CONTENT OF FILE UTC--2020-08-24T16-27-57" to the contents of the file downloaded when creating the ETH wallet.

  4. Enter all these commands.

echo 'YOUR ETH ADDRESS' >> $HOME/keep-nodes/data/eth-address.txt
echo 'YOUR PASSWORD' >> $HOME/keep-nodes/data/eth-address-pass.txt
echo 'CONTENT OF FILE UTC--2020-08-24T16-27-57' >> $HOME/keep-nodes/data/keep_wallet.json

It should look like this:

echo '0x208E233b930aacC7E17768F02106b6429B822133' >> $HOME/keep-nodes/data/eth-address.txt
echo 'qwerty123' >> $HOME/keep-nodes/data/eth-address-pass.txt
echo '{"version":3,"id":"d01c210a-1206-4754-9202-9f3g87472afe","address":"0x208E233b930aacC7E17768F02106b6429B822133","crypto":{"ciphertext":"85b53ab95e6fbea53f123123b5p234ujdce2122b08f6a73310f2d131e700","cipherparams":{"iv":"13d3efdead3523501ae8ede4328duwh4158"},"cipher":"aes-128-ctr","kdf":"scrypt","kdfparams":{"dklen":32,"salt":"ffad567d42eb5b3f1907e91023478fhs234r720234fs21a0a324cffc9e6c119137","n":131072,"r":8,"p":1},"mac":"c3b300aa4db1531add1c7c78d73d88f75a387485627g46539f1027999c66517"}}' >> $HOME/keep-nodes/data/keep_wallet.json

5. Write the export data of your Password and server IP to the .profile file by entering the commands:

echo 'export ETH_PASSWORD=$(cat $HOME/keep-nodes/data/eth-address-pass.txt)' >> $HOME/.profile
echo 'export SERVER_IP=$(curl' >> $HOME/.profile

6. Now we need to add in the config file INFURA ID from your account created earlier. Insert instead of "YOUR_INFURA_ID_BEACON_NODE" and "YOUR_INFURA_ID_ECDSA_NODE", respectively, the ID of the Beacon and ECDSA nodes.

grep -rl INFURA_BEACON_ID $HOME/keep-nodes/beacon/config* | xargs perl -p -i -e 's/INFURA_BEACON_ID/YOUR_INFURA_ID_BEACON_NODE/g'
grep -rl INFURA_ECDSA_ID $HOME/keep-nodes/ecdsa/config* | xargs perl -p -i -e 's/INFURA_ECDSA_ID/YOUR_INFURA_ID_ECDSA_NODE/g'

It should look like this:

grep -rl INFURA_BEACON_ID $HOME/keep-nodes/beacon/config* | xargs perl -p -i -e 's/INFURA_BEACON_ID/6e6a4ed128a5f7s82bcc470710fb0/g'
grep -rl INFURA_ECDSA_ID $HOME/keep-nodes/ecdsa/config* | xargs perl -p -i -e 's/INFURA_ECDSA_ID/a888cf7gy6e888b0d21ee96b4201e0/g'

7. Now let's export the password with the command:

export ETH_PASSWORD=$(cat $HOME/keep-nodes/data/eth-address-pass.txt)

8. Everything is ready to go!

5. Launching a Beacon node

Launch the Bacon node with the command below:

sudo docker run -d \
--entrypoint /usr/local/bin/keep-client \
--restart always \
--volume $HOME/keep-nodes/data:/mnt/data \
--volume $HOME/keep-nodes/beacon/config:/mnt/beacon/config \
--volume $HOME/keep-nodes/beacon/persistence:/mnt/beacon/persistence \
--env LOG_LEVEL=debug \
--name keep-client \
-p 3919:3919 \
keepnetwork/keep-client:v1.3.0-rc.4 --config /mnt/beacon/config/config.toml start

6. Launching an ECDSA node

Launch the ECDSA node with the following command:

sudo docker run -d \
--entrypoint /usr/local/bin/keep-ecdsa \
--restart always \
--volume $HOME/keep-nodes/data:/mnt/data \
--volume $HOME/keep-nodes/ecdsa/config:/mnt/ecdsa/config \
--volume $HOME/keep-nodes/ecdsa/persistence:/mnt/ecdsa/persistence \
--env LOG_LEVEL=debug \
--name keep-ecdsa \
-p 3920:3919 \
keepnetwork/keep-ecdsa-client:v1.2.0-rc.5 --config /mnt/ecdsa/config/config.toml start

7. Stop and delete

The container can be stopped and removed using the following commands:

sudo docker stop keep-client && sudo docker rm keep-client
sudo docker stop keep-ecdsa && sudo docker rm keep-ecdsa

8. Important!

pageUpdating a node

Last updated