Install Sandbox node

1. Ubuntu setup

Update the packages on the server to the latest versions:

sudo apt update

Install Docker:

sudo apt install curl -y

Activate Docker:

sudo systemctl start docker
sudo systemctl enable docker

2. Launching a Sandbox node

sudo docker run \
--publish 3085:3085 \
-d \
--name mina \

If after running the command your node crashes with error 132, you need to start the node with a different docker image codaprotocol/coda-demo:pickles-sandbox-classic

Follow the link below!

pageError solutions

3. Viewing logs

sudo docker logs --follow mina

Now go to the Challenge #1

4. Using CLI

This step only needs to be performed starting from Challenge #2

To access any Mina CLI commands:

sudo docker exec -it mina bash

For example, checking the status, the state of the node:

coda client status

5. Additional commands

Exiting CLI mode:


Stopping a Mina container:

sudo docker stop mina

Removing a Mina container:

sudo docker rm mina

Last updated