CLI. Key import, sending tokens

Using CLI

1. To access Mina CLI commands :

This step only needs to be done if you started the node using Docker. If you haven't used Docker, skip straight to step 2.

sudo docker exec -it mina bash

The CLI is exited with the command:


2. Checking status, node status:

mina client status

It looks like this:

Wait for the node to sync. The Sync status: field should say Synced. If the status says Catched, then you need to wait a little longer. After that you can start importing your keys.

3. Importing keys

Exporting the private key:

export KEYPATH=$HOME/keys/my-wallet

We import an account with a key with the following command:

mina accounts import -privkey-path $HOME/keys/my-wallet

The list of your accounts can be viewed with the command below:

mina accounts list

4. Account unlocking:

First, let's export the Public Key:

export MINA_PUBLIC_KEY=$(cat $HOME/keys/

Let's unlock the account so that you can move tokens:

mina accounts unlock -public-key $MINA_PUBLIC_KEY

In the password input field, write your password from the key and press ENTER.

5. Transactions

Now you can send tokens.

You need to add:

  • sender -sender

  • recipient -receiver

  • transaction fee -fee

  • the number of tokens sent -amount

mina client send-payment \
-sender B62qnJHBeVJqWamtDhWDPwrX7Y5jiXKcMKTuvug9LQ8ictwNTWN7YvJ \
-receiver B62qqV16g8s744GHM6Dph1uhW4fggYwyvtDnVSoRUyYqNvTir3Rqqzx \
-fee 0.01 \
-amount 2

Done. Tokens have been sent.

5.1. Transaction with -memo (with signature)

You need to add:

  • signature -memo

Your text for the transaction.

mina client send-payment \
-sender B62qnJHBeVJqWamtDhWDPwrX7Y5jiXKcMKTuvug9LQ8ictwNTWN7YvJ \
-receiver B62qqV16g8s744GHM6Dph1uhW4fggYwyvtDnVSoRUyYqNvTir3Rqqzx \
-fee 0.01 \
-amount 2 \
-memo "Your text"

Done. Tokens have been sent.

6. Check the balance of tokens

The token balance is checked by the command below with your token ID:

mina client get-balance \
-public-key $MINA_PUBLIC_KEY

We will see the balance of mina tokens.

7. Delegation transaction

You need to add:

  • sender -sender

  • recipient -receiver

  • transaction fee -fee

Flag -amount not specified, because the entire balance of the address is delegated.

mina client delegate-stake \
-sender B62qnJHBeVJqWamtDhWDPwrX7Y5jiXKcMKTuvug9LQ8ictwNTWN7YvJ \
-receiver B62qqV16g8s744GHM6Dph1uhW4fggYwyvtDnVSoRUyYqNvTir3Rqqzx \
-fee 0.01


Attention! Points from 1 to 4 are not currently used.

1. Token creation

Now let's create tokens:

mina client create-token \

In response, we get the following:

Dispatched create new token command with ID 2cUDm3QoJ14znWj5LxN8hjwwuvtwi9FGXcy56i4dPvYizPNwr3V9c9ePYxy3pJKjgogNx28jwHhqupi6wHFgXBmU5iX27iK1zUvJarj6wJsUG8segWXc4LGPed66YbYk3u9HiWw4v8cYYEqcy1mU6hqfj5JPMPthEBifxUMHZTqCwZmYWSdiERxB6PtPEdXVraWaYPVU4Q8vtpSN7oSTK1AXyXLYYR835CBrNSmgbLvoBDNroCKwcQrzw4b76BFNLe6EuWvBcMgX6npeeAbPg8z8iJ4PKz3gA64o1Y72kCrqyqus718LwXcmp5jxsYvJB2CJHzyZ

2. Get the ID of the tokens

To carry out the following operations, we need to know the ID of the tokens. We get it with the following command:

mina client get-tokens \
-public-key $MINA_PUBLIC_KEY

In response, we get the following:

Accounts are held for token IDs:

3. Mint tokens

To mince new tokens, you need to run the mint-tokens command. 1,000 tokens will be created in the account of the sender of the transaction under token ID 2.

mina client mint-tokens \
-sender $MINA_PUBLIC_KEY \
-token 2 \
-amount 10

Let's check the balance with the command (the balance will not appear immediately, you need to wait about 5 minutes):

mina client get-balance \
-token 2 \
-public-key $MINA_PUBLIC_KEY

After a while, we should see 1,000 coda tokens on our balance.

mina client get-balance \
-token 2 \
-public-key $MINA_PUBLIC_KEY
Balance: 1000 tokens

4. Sending tokens

Now you can send tokens. To do this, we first need to add a recipient with the command below:

mina client create-token-account \
-sender $MINA_PUBLIC_KEY \
-receiver B62qoDWfBZUxKpaoQCoFqr12wkaY84FrhxXNXzgBkMUi2Tz4K8kBDiv \
-token 2

For example, let's send 50 tokens. In the -memo "My First TX" field, instead of My First TX, you can enter anything you want. Or leave it as it is.

mina client send-payment \
-sender $MINA_PUBLIC_KEY \
-receiver B62qoDWfBZUxKpaoQCoFqr12wkaY84FrhxXNXzgBkMUi2Tz4K8kBDiv \
-token 2 \
-fee 0.1 \
-amount 50

Done. Tokens have been sent.

Last updated